Friday, May 19, 2006


So far, I love this job. I've gotten to do so many different things already! Yesterday I worked on some PR stuff and also went to Capitol Hill for a press conference (unrelated to PR stuff). It was a small gathering, but there was a Grammy-nominated singer there advocating an issue . . we were the opposition. We were there, handing out a paper and a CD supporting our stance on the issue. I saw someone ask "the singer" for an autograph, so I decided to see if I could get him to unknowingly sign one of our CDs. Amidst the cameras and press, I walked up to him and asked him to sign my CD . . and he did it! He totally didn't know what he was signing. I felt a bit bad, since he was so nice, but it was a great way to get myself a little "publicity" back at the office since it made for a good laugh and Vanderbilt made sure to tell people.

Today, instead of riding with CousinJ, I took the Metrobus, which was a new experience for me, and a good experience at that. The bus driver didn't make me pay! I mean, it was only $1.25, but still. And they say people around here aren't nice! Anyway, I may take the bus more often. I didn't have to walk far at all.

Last night, we ate on the back patio for probably the 4th time this week. It's so nice to eat outside on the old stone patio with the nice yard and all the flowers K has planted. So peaceful.

I've gone from never watching TV to having it be a nightly thing. At this point, I don't have anything better to do, and it's fun to hang out with CousinJ and K.

I've been at work for nearly an hour now with nothing to do. I feel so bad just blogging and doing nothing, but my "delegator of tasks" isn't at his desk and hasn't replied to my email asking what I should work on.

Tonight, I think I may do Happy Hour with some work people. (K asked if there were young people here and there are lots, so that's good.) Staying downtown later means I have to find a way home. I don't have the bus thing figured out for the way back, so I'll either have to get a ride with someone or take a cab. I've taken a cab here a few times, but I've never had to hail a cab myself. Let's hope everything goes smoothly.

1 comment:

k said...

As a regular bus rider, once you get the hang of it, I'm sure you'll love it! Especially with gas prices like they are right now!