Sunday, April 15, 2007

Midnight craving

It's 12:30 in the morning, and I WANT SOME ICE CREAM. The problem is that once my roomie TM comes home, junk food is out of the question. TM is a med student who keeps to herself, a sweetheart but frequently won't respond when you try talking to her (read: awkward), and a total health nut. All of this equals: I just can't bring myself to eat sweets around her. Not only does the uncomfortable silence and the fact that she's munching on veggies make me feel guilty, she closes the door to the kitchen (off her room) as soon as she comes home making you feel as though its off limits!

Update: I snuck a few bites while she went to the bathroom. Craving satisfied!


Lindsay Blake said...

i was craving icecream last night as well! i only didn't have a car to drive myself to the store... rats!

Stacey said...

Maybe I need a roommate like yours ... there's nobody here to make me feel guilty for pigging out after midnight - and it does happend from time to time! Eek!

Anonymous said...

i always crave ice cream at night. i keep the light stuff on hand.

Morgan said...

It totally cracks me up that you snuck bites when she went into the bathroom. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

ha these last 2 posts crack me up.

Jenny @ said...

that's hilarious that you had to sneak a few bites when she was in the restroom. love it. you should try the american idol light hollywood cheesecake ice cream (i think it's made by dryer or edys). it's limited edition -- but i LOVE it. i limit myself to only a couple of bites per day. but it totally satisfies my craving for sweets.

Big Sky Girl said...

That's it. I am coming over with bags of McDonalds and Taco Bell. And we'll fix this thing.

I'll need a nachos supreme, a mexican pizza, a big mac, a chicken nuggets and giant soda. Then we'll probably need to make a basking robbins run.

At the very least, it will make your small calorie consumption seem mild.

Stephanie Klein said...

First of all, sneaking food is a bad way to live honey. I would know, I still do it with my own husband. He's engrossed in a tv show, and I'm gross by the fridge, eating standing up, with the fridge door open, spooning out pieces of pie WITH MY FINGER. Bad news.

Second, on your request for wedding speeches...

my life is brilliant said...

I totally eat ice cream at night! It's the best! I love Dreyer's/Edy's (depending on where you live) Slow-Churned Light ice cream. I love fudge brownie, but I just tried the American Idol caramel one, and it's AMAZING! You totally have to try it.

And it's light, so your roommie can just keep munching to herself!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it weird how healthy roomies can make you feel like you have to SNEAK food? I totally get you!!