I volunteered to baby-sit for one of my firm's VPs tonight. New Girl, a past baby-sitter of theirs, was a bit jealous that I was about to spend the evening with the two little girls. And I planned to do just what she feared . . make them like me better, of course (heheh). The 4- and 1-year old girls were just as adorable as she'd said they were, and I was confident that the night would go well. VP and wife mentioned that New Girl hadn't been able to get 4-year-old to bed before 10 p.m. when she baby-sat, so I
also decided that not only would I be more fun, I would get that little girl in bed by her bedtime!! Just watch!
Two hours later, after watching only
one episode of "Diego", putting the 1-year-old to bed and making a beaded necklace and bracelet, I began to prepare 4-year-old for our next activity - going to bed. I let her know that we'd have time to read just
two books and encouraged her to begin thinking about which books she wanted to read. Ten minutes prior to bedtime, I led her up the stairs anticipating the challenge that lie before me.
She made no objection to the two book limit, and I was feeling pretty good about how things were going. After finishing the second Dr. Suess story I turned to explain that bedtime had indeed come. And that's when it happened.
She offered to brush my hair.
Now there are plenty of offers I could've easily turned down. Playing house. Making another bracelet. Reading another story. But I
never turn down the opportunity to have my hair brushed.
And actually, she didn't just offer; she told me she was going to do it. And far be it for me to stop her. I immediately pulled the elastic out of my hair, held the mirror as instructed and let her brush away. About five seconds into the brushing and I was in a completely different state.
Oh, now you need to [pretend to] cut my hair? Go right ahead.
Oh and of course you can [pretend to] wash it. And dry it.
You need to brush again? By all means.
The girl owned me. I tried to tell her that we only had time for "one more thing", but she sweetly explained that "Honey, we're not done yet." And I simply answered, "Ok".
It's a miracle that she was laying down, head on pillow only ten minutes after 9pm. (Bedtime was 8:30-9.) I still beat New Girl's time by 50 minutes!