Monday, August 22, 2005

The Plan

So, today I'm starting "The Plan" which really isn't much of plan, because I have very vague guidelines that I am following. Nevertheless, I hope to follow my gut (only not literally because then I will fail) and the basic guidelines of my plan and get back in shape the way I want to be. I plan to not eat any dessert (please don't tempt me) lots of fruits and veggies, small portions, no pasta, only 100% whole grain bread (because I heard the way to lose is by staying away from enriched flour), and exercise 4-5 times a week. In order to motivate myself to exercise more, I am buying an iPod tonight. I have wanted one for over a year and I feel like being impulsive today. Just don't tell those holding me accountable to my budget. I've thought about getting my heart broken again, because that's always a good motivator, but when the opportunity presented itself I decided against it. Of course it's not really that I need motivation. I want to work out, but so many things really do get in the way and then it just doesn't fit into my schedule as often as it used to. But, I figure with fall approaching it won't be so terribly hot and humid at night, so I can power walk or run a lot. So far, my first day has been pretty successful. I've eaten a chicken salad, veggies, and a very small pizza (not the best choice), and I power-walked 3 miles. So, I'm optimistic. I'm off to do some crunches . . .


cookie723 said...

You go girl! Funny, I was contemplating a similar plan this weekend...I so need to put it into effect asap...I'm not the young thing you are! Try and keep me accountable :)
Thanks for dropping by my blog today...unlike you, I'm so glad my 18 yr old beau and I didn't work out....I could be pretty foolish way back then. :) Come back & post soon!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog while I was reading my friend's blog, kind of a 6 degrees of seperation sorta thing. I think 18 is pretty young too. I remember dating someone really seriously at the time, but of course it ended. Turned out he was a jerk and I suddenly realized it. How did yours end?
I think I might adopt a "plan" similiar to yours. I've heard those treadmills aren't that bad. Keep up the great blogs!

L said...

Yes, eighteen is really young. The guy I dated was not a jerk at all, but he wasn't ready to make Jesus the Lord of his life. That is one area where I cannot compromise. I've just yet to meet anyone I care about as much or have that kind of mutuality with . . but I will. . I'm not worried. Thanks for the post. You should start a "plan", too. Ice cream season is coming to an end anyway, right?