Saturday, January 21, 2006

Good End to My Week and Start to My Weekend

The first week of my new position went well. I like it so much more than what I've been doing for 9 months. However, I still haven't fully transitioned and will be doing a little of both for a couple more weeks. Ugh! Although I enjoy it more, I still wonder if I'll grow restless again soon. I want to be a part of something I have more of an interest in. I want to reach my potential and I just don't see that happening here . . . but I know that it takes small steps to get there. This will be really good experience for me and I'm very thankful for that.

I'm happy that the weekend has arrived! Tonight I had the Fresh Start appreciation dinner. The food was delicious! It's so wonderful to hear about all the things God is doing in Fresh Start. It's not only being introduced to a great majority of the States, but it's also been introduced to 14 countries. So many people are learning how they can become whole and free in Christ and experience healing in their relationships and truly forgive others. I love hearing people's testimonies!!

AMC has asked me to dog-sit/house-sit for them this week. It won't be fun packing up my stuff to stay all week, but it will be very fun hanging out with the 3 dogs, using their exercise machines, their hot tub, their Tivo and HDTv, and their king sized bed. I'm also excited to have a lot of alone time to spend with God, pray, etc. I think it will be very refreshing. And I'll save a lot on gas being closer to work.

1 comment:

a tall sassy gal said...

I start my position in the morning so I understand how you are feeling. Just praying this is for the best and everything will work out. My schedule is now 3am-11am. Yuck but it allows me to go work done without everyone around.