Sunday, January 07, 2007


Sometimes I just want to write. Not crappy writing. Good writing. Writing about memories. Going deep, digging it all up, and serving it real. Unedited.

Always I wish I was a better writer. I want a teacher to make me write again and grade me on it. Bring on the red marks. Challenge me.

It's always at work that I want to write. I feel the creativity surging through my veins. It feels bottled up. But I have work to do. And if I decided to write a paragraph, it would turn into ten. Then I go home at night . . and food sounds good. Exercise is important. Running errands must be done. And before I know it, I'm in bed again at the end of the day, and the urgency to write has subsided like hunger pangs that eventually go away.


my life is brilliant said...

I know what you mean about wanting to write at work. I think I feel that way because I'm thinking about things I'd rather be doing or people I'd rather be with than being alone in my office. My mind wanders a lot more. Once I get home, it's dinner, gym, shower, laundry and things like that that get my time. And relaxing and TV, obviously. A girl needs to unwind!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Yeah. I've written a million award winning posts in my head but somehow they never make it to my blog. Sigh.

Courtney said...

I could not agree more - SO MUCH gets bottled up in my head, because I just don't have time to put it down on paper. I'm lucky if I get one quality, cathartic, post every few months. UGH! I keep saying I'll write more when xyz settles down - but then something else comes up. If only I could freeze time for a few hours a day...