Monday, December 04, 2006

looking forward

New Girl walks in this morning and I hear: “Ok, let me see what you’re wearing, because I know you put in extra effort today.”

She’s referring to the Wisconsin reunion tonight, which means The Lobbyist will be there. And she’s wrong, I didn’t spend more time getting ready today . . I decided and tried on my outfit last night. I’m wearing my black wool pencil skirt with knee-high boots and a black and white striped button-down under an orange cashmere sweater. I also pulled out my new long light blue wool coat, because Brrrrr, it’s cold outside!! I won’t lie, I am looking forward to happy hour tonight at Morton’s with everyone . . and having something to look forward to sure makes the day fly by.

Also helping to make the day enjoyable was the discovery of large boxes of Godiva chocolate in the cafeteria. Milk chocolate assortments, a biscuit collection, a box of truffles, tray upon tray of chocolate decadence! I’ve already more than made up for yesterday’s lack of calorie intake.


k said...

sounds like a perfect fall/almost winter outfit... despite any (or no) motivations to look nice!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Sounds super cute! Have fun tonight!

Jenny @ said...

cute outfits and happy hour certainly make my day better. have fun!

my life is brilliant said...

The outfit sounds adorable! Definitely makes the day better when you feel good about that. :)