Saturday, December 02, 2006

back up in the country

Oh the fun that last night was!

Nearly a year and no country dancing?! I missed it so much. I even demonstrated a dance for my friends in Wisconsin . . haha. Yes, I am a dork. But you know that everyone was wishing they could country line dance. They wanted to move their hips like that. Ooh, and that kick ball step I did . . their faces were green with envy.

Last night, Uncle A called me up and told me he was headed to the annual Kickers Christmas party. And I was able to tell him that finally I was going country dancing again. I had heard of this country bar and even made friends here that had been and wanted to go again. Somehow, it took six months to make it happen.

KC (my old roommate), her guy friend, and Kentucky Girl (who went to college in KY and is country through and through) headed out last night for some serious country dancing. Kentucky Girl exclaimed "I haven't seen this many rednecks since I moved here. This is SO refreshing!" (Around here, you need a reprieve from the popped collars and oxfords.) I did karaoke to "Piece of my Heart" and attempted to get behind some pros and learn new line dances. They did a few that I already knew, too.

KC suddenly got tired and wanted to leave after only an hour! Reluctantly, Kentucky Girl and I headed out the door with her. I saw a group of six clean-cut guys pile out of a car and in about .7 seconds, the following things ran through my head: clean-cut, probably not all dangerous, coming to a country bar, not with any girls yet, can grab a cab if plan goes bad.

"Hey, do you guys want to give us a ride home tonight?"


"You're not going to drink too much are you?"

"Noooo, we're definitely taking it easy tonight."

Kentucky Girl and I turn to KC, "Bye! See you later!" (Keep in mind, she was still with her guy friend and not going home all alone.)

The gang of FBI guys were very nice and respectful and lots of fun. None of them got out of hand or had a lot to drink. I taught one (very cute) guy how to two-step and a couple of them came out on the dance floor with us to *try* to line dance.

We had such a blast and were safely driven home at the end of the night. Kentucky Girl and I have plans to make this a weekly (if not more frequent) occurrence.


Alyssa said...

Sounds like you had fun, and cute boys to boot!

Anonymous said...

i found this post pretty entertaining.

my life is brilliant said...

I. LOVE. COUNTRY DANCING!!! It's so much fun! And honestly, when you're country dancing, you're obviously not the slightest bit concerned about looking cool -- or you wouldn't be country dancing. I totally want to go now ...