Saturday, December 23, 2006

Last minute

Do you ever feel bad for last-minute-ing someone on your Christmas list? You feel like you should've had some spectacular idea for this person or you would be a better sister, friend, daughter, etc. if you had purchased their gift sooner than 72 hours before Christmas! Maybe it's because I love putting extra thought into what I get someone. I hate resorting to "This is nice. This will do." I've had to do that with a few people this year. It certainly hasn't saved me any money, and it's caused a lot of stress. Because my gifts somehow don't feel good enough. My mother brought to my attention my gift-giving issues. That I overspend and can't ever give one gift. It's true. I can't give just one gift to anyone. It kills me. It doesn't matter how expensive it was. One thing is not enough. And I think I realized what it is. If I give at least two gifts, the recipient is sure to like at least one gift which hopefully helps me to maintain my reputation as a good gift-giver.


a tall sassy gal said...

You are so me! I am the same way. And I swear each year I am not buying gifts just doing gift cards but then I just can't.

Have a Merry Christmas!

my life is brilliant said...

I hate just giving one gift, too. I always think, "Man, I should have gotten something to go with that."

Since I haven't seen K yet -- we'll exchange gifts when I go see him in Pennsylvania for New Year's -- I've decided the $150 iPod home stereo/alarm clock I got him isn't enough. I need to get him a DVD or a nice shirt to go with it. Today, I decided I just might do both -- especially if the nice shirt is on sale (since then, getting a DVD AND a shirt would be the same price as just the shirt had it not been on sale).

I'm totally with you.

Pink Sun Drops said...

I am SUCH a gift freak. Brando actually accused me of worrying about how good I look when I give gifts. But honestly? I truly love to give even if it means giving something I was just given. That may be what you are doing too.