Thursday, August 03, 2006


If you’ve taken the pictures to be an indication of how fun my weekend was, then you know I had a good time. Just look at the smile on my face in the picture with Best Friend. I was that happy all weekend.

Not only did I get to hang out with Best Friend, I got to spend time with her boy’s whole family. They were great. In fact, they were so great that I'm flying up to New Hampshire for the weekend to hang out with them! BF will be there, too.

Our weekend consisted of late nights (an all-nighter in fact), an evening at the Air and Space Museum (for the leadership conference the family was attending), some Scrabble (a tradition with BF, her brother, and I), and . . a trip to the emergency room.

We were waiting around at the hotel, hungry and ready for dinner, when someone asked, "What's taking them so long?" There were a few people missing from our party, apparently discussing something serious in the hallway.

It turns out someone was in pain. Not just any pain. Pain "down there". Excrutiating, unbearable pain "down there." Poor guy. All 8 of us made our way to the hospital and waited a good hour for a nurse to see him. As we were sitting there, I looked over and thought I saw tears welling up in his eyes. I didn't know if it was from the pain or perhaps the embarassment of having an entire posse accompany him to the hospital because he had pain in his private part.

After getting situated in a hospital bed to await a doctor, he gave us permission to leave and grab a bite to eat. Once out of earshot, we were all able to make male genitalia jokes to our hearts' content. I'm not sure he'll ever live this one down.

So, all in all, the weekend was a blast, but that trip to the hospital was really the nuts! (Sorry!, I couldn't resist. What can I say . . I'm my father's daughter.)


Stacey said...

That is nuts! haha!
But seriously, is the poor guy OK? That's got to be so embarassing!

a tall sassy gal said...

that is so funny. glad you had a good visit.

Cady said...

hehe. that is pretty funny, but poor guy. i feel so bad for him!