Friday, August 25, 2006


I just listened to Jessica Simpson’s new CD. What the heck? It’s sounds like a bunch of pop dance songs that have gone synthesizer-happy. I'm convinced she couldn’t have enjoyed making this album. What about her beautiful voice? It doesn’t showcase it at all. I continue to be more and more disappointed in her choices . . both personal and professional. Wait, wait! I take that back. I definitely still approve of all fashion and beauty choices, (unless they involve too much cleavage or pumping more collagen into her lips). In fact, I kinda want to dye my hair to match her color on the cover of her album.


Lindsay Blake said...

i love that no matter how far apart we are this topic can always draw us together... sarah and i still buy people (well mostly sarah and i just look at it) when she or nick are on the front... it's a horrible addiction... can it ever be broken?!

a tall sassy gal said...

I actually liked her new song public affair. It sounded more like her old stuff. I am still having a hard time liking her after all her stuff with Nick and I used to love her. I just hate watching her wedding stuff and all the stuff about God and her marriage she says and then she moves to Hollywood and it all changes. Can you believe she is dating John Mayer?