Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Shore

My weekend didn't really involve much child supervision. It did involve a lot of sleep on my very own King-size bed in my very own room with my very own bathroom. That ginormous down comforter was lovely. Friday evening, the kids went directly to bed after the forever-long car ride (thanks to a few missed turns). The girls and I stayed up for hours eating, chatting, and drinking wine.

I was given the car on Saturday morning which allowed me to drive through the cute little town, snap some pictures, and take a walk on the beach. Forty-five degrees felt like negative unbearable with the sea breeze biting my face and hands, but it was still beautiful. I watched a couple of movies after tucking the kids in that night and enjoyed the second half of my ordered-in BBQ chicken cheesesteak and zeppoles (deep-fried cinnamon puffs).

The change of scenery really allowed me to clear my mind and take a different perspective on my life circumstances. I came home Sunday afternoon feeling very refreshed, considerably richer (hehe), and ready to take on my week. I went for a four-mile run along the Potomac, enjoying the sixty degree temps and introducing my new running shoes to pavement for the first time.
The Bible Study girls were hosting a big Super Bowl party, so I went over to hang streamers and be the first to taste test all the delicious snacks. The house was filled with the cheers and boos of over twenty people that came over to watch the game. I'm happy to say I was one of the cheerers!
Although we weren't ON the beach, we were close enough. This is one of two views of the ocean from the deck. It's not a West Coast sunset, but it's still pretty.

I would do anything for a pair of mittens at this point.

How could I not post a picture of this cutie?


Pink Sun Drops said...

Pretty!! Funny how much it reminds me of the west coast... but different. It's a lot more dunesy (I know, not a word) than Cali beaches. There's a few that look just like that though - Pajaro beach in Watsonville to name one. How nice to go to the beach AND get paid for it : ) !!

k said...

fun! i had to re-read the post because i was confused how you came home and went for a run before the superbowl, but then remembered there is a time difference and the game wasn't smack in the middle of your day.

my life is brilliant said...

Those photos are gorgeous! It looks like you're the only one on the beach! (You might have been!)