Wednesday, March 07, 2007


My sister is coming for a visit tomorrow. I've been calling her every day this week to remind her, because you know, I wouldn't want her to miss her flight or anything. I have big plans for our weekend . . eating and shopping and eating and shopping. I'm so glad she doesn't like history, because I'm just not in the mood to be that kind of tour guide . . the one wearing tennies and walking miles throughout the District trying to recommend which museums or monuments to see. I think it's all great, I do, but not now . . not when it's 40 degrees outside and not when I haven't really been shopping for two months! I've been saving up for such a time as this.

(Besides, she has been here before and done the tourist thing.)


Pink Sun Drops said...

Yayyyyy!!! LOVE sisters, and company, and shopping!! Have fun!!!! Don't forgot to call her in the morning! hehe

Anonymous said... exciting! have a blast!!

my life is brilliant said...

Awesome! So fun! At least in Dallas, there's no history. We do, however, have four times more restaurants per person than NYC, and more shopping centers per capita than any major American city.

Maybe you and your sister should just come here! lol

Have fun this weekend!

k said...

Fun fun fun!

And yes, we will have to meet up when I head your way this spring :)

Courtney said...

Hooray for Sister visits! I need to get mine to come up to see me!

Stacey said...

Ooooo! Shopping!! I wish I had the time to ditch the museums and monuments Monday and Tuesday to take advantage of D.C.'s shops, but unfortunately I'll be playing the roll of the tour guide that you didn't want to have to be for your sister. Chad has never been to D.C. ... well, unless you count a whirlwind tour of the city when he was a kid. Soooo, it's going to be nonstop. It'll be fun, but I hope to get the chance to breathe ... and maybe hit up a couple stores in the process. Wish me luck!!! Unfortunately, I don't know if we'll have time to meet up. :( I really, really wish we could, but I'm guessing you'll be at work while we're out and about. If not, let me know!

a tall sassy gal said...

I love visits from my sister. Those are the best!!

Anonymous said...

aww a post for me! :) see you in ..41 hours!