Monday, September 01, 2008


Here I sit, pants-less in my bed on the morning of Labor Day, because I can. My bedroommate is in Brazil for the next ten days, and you know I like to take full advantage of having the room all to myself, which really only means that I don't have to be modest.

The possibilities for this holiday today seem endless. I have no definite plans as of yet. I only know that KC (a girl friend) and I want to be active and outside this afternoon. Around here, that could mean a lot of things.

I spent yesterday on the boat, trying a new trick on the slalom ski. I'm taking baby steps to being a rockstar on that thing, as I am still overcoming my fear of slicing through the wake at a very fast speed. I tend to hang out on either side of the wake, practicing my rooster tail. These new ski gloves, a birthday present from the boating boys, were fun (and cute) to try out. So much for fingerless gloves since my hands are so small!Skiing on water with just enough ripple on a beautiful 85 degree day after eating a fresh crab cake sandwich while country music blasts from the speakers and fun friends cheer you on . . could anything really be better?

Have a great holiday!


steve and randel hambrick said...

"Skiing on water with just enough ripple on a beautiful 85 degree day after eating a fresh crab cake sandwich while country music blasts from the speakers and fun friends cheer you on . . could anything really be better?"

nope.. DEFINITELY not. wish i was there :(

a tall sassy gal said...

We went to the lake this weekend too but I didn't wake board. B tried it. I am so content with just being on the water. Maybe next time I will try it.

Sherin said...

so i tried water skiing while in texas, i SO did not look anything like you did. rock on!

Alison said...

I used to waterski when I was younger but could never slalom! You look like a pro out there :)