Yesterday I took the day off to try to catch up on shopping, baking, etc. It was such a productive day, which is something I can usually never say about days off. Finally, I've purchased all my gifts (including a few more for myself). It feels good to finally be done, even if it is only a couple days before Christmas.
In celebration of the eve of Christmas Eve, I've decided to do the Christmas meme I found on Cady's site:
1. egg nog or hot chocolate? neither . . . how about water or milk, because that's all I really drink
2. does santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? puts them under the tree. the elves wrap them.
3. colored lights on tree/house or white? white. when i was little, i would've said colored, but now i prefer white
4. do you hang mistletoe? no, but if I had it, I think it would be fun to hang it up
5. when do you put your decorations up? the day after Thanksgiving
6. what is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? my aunt's casserole or chicken tetrazzini
7. favorite holiday memory as a child? i vividly remember getting my first cabbage patch dolls when i was 3 (i think) and naming one marjorie (after uptown grandma) and the other barker lance (keeping his real name)
8. when and how did you learn the truth about santa? i asked my mom a logical question about the tooth fairy and learned she wasn't real . . . and then the wheels started turning as i stood there in silence and finally exclaimed in a very disappointed voice, "Does this mean that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real, either?" I think I cried. (It was the next worst realization to learning about sex.) But, then I thought all the kids in my class who still believed didn't have any common sense
9. do you open a gift on christmas eve? i exchange with BF at church and then go over my aunt & uncle's for dinner and exchange with my cousin, Joy
10. what kind of cookies does santa get set out for him? Oreos, of course . . america's favorite cookie
11. snow! love it or dread it? it's very pretty, BUT i don't like getting the bottoms of my pants wet or feeling like driving somewhere is dangerous.
12. can you ice skate? yes but i'm not that great at it, because i'm scared of falling down and having someone run over my fingers
13. do you remember your favorite gift? hmmm, i do remember really loving my gameboy and, of course, every pair of doc martens i got
14. what's the most important thing about the holidays for you? getting to see all my family that lives out of state (IN, TX, DC)
15. what is your favorite holiday dessert? hopscotches with chow mein noodles, marshmallows, and butterscotch
16. what is your favorite holiday tradition? i love the whole thing . . . christmas eve church and then dinner at aunt & uncle's . . . christmas morning w/ my immediate family . . . christmas midday at farmtown grandma's . . . and christmas evening at uptown grandma's with sharing time, which is where everyone shares about the past year (good times, bad times, God's faithfulness) and what they're anticipating for the next year . . . it's especially cute when the little kids want to share
17. what tops your tree? an angel, but i prefer a star
18. which do you prefer giving or receiving? the only thing better than that wonderful feeling that someone was thinking of you and was kind enough to bless you . . . is knowing that you could make someone else feel that way
19. what is your favorite christmas carol? oh come all ye faithful, o holy night
20. candy canes! yuck or yum? i love the fruit flavored ones