Monday, June 05, 2006

A Rock Star

We have a weekly meeting at work. "We" as in "me and others that share my title". It's a meeting to go over what specifically we're working on and at what capacity we're at. As in, can we take on any more work? Today, I brought my list of what I'd been working on and my "manager" let me know that my responsibilities would be shifting. She begun by telling me that I would be working on this 50% and that 50% and began to explain in more detail what all that would include. As she kept talking, she mentioned I'd be taking this responsibility from so-and-so and spending 45% of my time on what's-his-name's account. It all sounded great to me . . just one problem. These numbers weren't adding up. Fortunately, she realized her mistake . . giving me a workload of 150%! I was even happier things had been cleared up later on in the day when I had taken in enough information to make my head explode. I worked until 7 p.m. and could've kept on working had CousinJ not wanted to leave. I do feel overwhelmed . . there is so much to do and keep straight . . so much responsibility . . but as long as I prioritize and organize, I should be fine. . . . But I want to be more than fine . . I want to be a rock star.


a tall sassy gal said...

Man I am the same way. I want to be rock star and go above and beyond what is needed some times.

Big Sky Girl said...

I think anyone in D.C. worth their salt wants to be the next Sid Vicious, minus the gory murder suicide of course. But don't worry about it, I had a few late nights at the j-o-b too. Luckily, it wasn't everynight. Hang in there.

s said...

you are a rock star!

now tell me my hair is thick and slighly wavy how do i get hot hair :)